... while I was plowing through the 'net (amateurs "surf" ... I PLOW), I found a
great 'blog that I just had to share with you all. I also REALLY like his format, and was thinking about using something very similar when I do the next revamp that I've been thinking about. It's going to be a major leap in the setup, but it's like going from beginner to advanced mode. All that you've seen on here so far has just been basic stuff, done that way because it was the simplest way to get this thing rolling. Now that it's been here for a while, I'm ready to take it to the next level. Don't worry though, I probably won't get a chance to even think about it until after my vacation...
... which is RAPIDLY approaching...
And by the way... if I find out that ANY of you are doing THIS:

I will immediately disown you.
Love to all!
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