Between the waking up and going to sleep I've been trying to accomplish things. It's really hard to get out of vacation-mode ... but I'm getting a little antsy too.
My Mom and Aunt are down in Florida visiting my Grandma and Grandpa right now. I don't think they planned on making their visit between hurricanes, but it looks like Florida is going to be feeling the wrath of Ivan next week. I honestly don't know how long they're staying down there, but I'm sure one of them will reply here and let us know how they're doing (hint hint).
So it looks like I'm going WAY overboard for my birthday this year. The weekend before I'm going over to Denver with a few friends. The plans include Dave & Busters, LAN party gaming, a movie or two, and possibly paintball. The weekend OF my birthday Shelley's mom is visiting from Arizona (now officially the SECOND hottest place on the planet (in my experience)) and we're going to runaway for a night. I think it will officially be Shelley's first complete night away from the kiddo... I'll let you know how she does!
That's all I've got for now... been a while since I gave you any C&H so...
Also... I just realized that my blogger is still set for local time in Kuwait, and it says it's 7am on September 11th. I honestly didn't realize we were coming up on the anniversary of the attacks. Personally, I think that's a good thing. Not to play down the significance of the date, as we should "Never Forget", but I also think we should move on... we've given the terrorists more than their fair share of "airtime"... "Never Forget" applies to the victims of the heinous attacks, and the sacrifices that people have made to prevent it from happening again. We should honor those sacrifices, and not elevate the perpetrators importance beyond that of troublesome bugs. Squash them and move on.
Love to all ...
(except the bugs, of course)
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